Guide To Identify A Clogged Kitchen in Santa Monica

Clogged Kitchen

The sink is an essential part of every home. It is used all the time. A malfunctioning sink quickly becomes a major inconvenience.

When you suspect your kitchen is clogged, your first action is probably to start pouring drain cleaners down your sink, but our professional advice is to advise against it, as these chemicals damage your pipes in the long run.

The best solution to this situation is drain and sink cleaning services.

How Do You Know When Your Sink Is Clogged?

Just as our bodies tell us that we are not in good health, plumbing failures show what is wrong with your pipes and sinks. These are the symptoms of a clogged kitchen that require the attention of one of our professional plumbers.

  • Drains slower than normal

If your sink drains very slowly, this is a telltale sign that you have a clogged kitchen in Santa Monica. If this is the case, it is likely that the blockage is in the device itself. While it may be tempting to put off troubleshooting, you should do something about it right away so you don’t further damage your pipes. Even seemingly minor clogs can cause serious problems and even damage your entire system.

If the clog is particularly severe, the sink may not drain at all. Many unsuspecting things can cause your sink to clog. From the hair, toothpaste and soap in the bathroom sink to the grease and food in the kitchen sinks. You really have to take care of almost everything we throw in your sinks if you want to avoid clogging.

  • Your sink smells bad

Do you notice strange or unpleasant odors coming from your sink? Unpleasant odors often show up long before other obvious signs, so it’s not something to be ignored.

  • Strange sounds

If you notice gurgling noises coming from your drains or pipes, it could be because your sink is clogged.

How To Fix A Clogged Kitchen

The safest method to unclog a sink is to use a plunger. However, some clogs are so thick that no matter how you try to fix them, they will be to no avail. If this is the case, you’ll want to contact one of our professional plumbers to help you with your clogged kitchen in Santa Monica.

Keep in mind that regular sink cleaning maintenance, such as running hot water through your kitchen sinks weekly and using a pinch of vinegar and baking soda solution, can help keep your drains in tip-top condition and avoid obstructions. And of course, avoid putting large items in the sink, especially kitchen sinks!

When you have plumbing problems, contact Angelino’s Plumbing Emergency Services Pacific Palisades. It has the best plumbers in the city, they have the experience and knowledge to solve all your plumbing problems.

Clean Kitchen, Free Drain in Santa Monica