Tips To Take Much Better Care Of Your Kitchen Plumbing And Avoid A Clogged Sink

Clogged Sink

The kitchen area is one of the most used rooms in all houses. There, food is prepared, chores are completed at the counters in the kitchen area, and households gather around tables to hang out together.

A practical kitchen area is necessary for the comfort of your home. The plumbing plays a decisive role when it comes to adapting the cooking zone to the demands of its activity. It would be best if you were proactive in taking care of your cook area plumbing to avoid problems that could put your cook area out of commission, like a clogged sink.

1. Clean sink drain frequently.
Kitchen area sinks see heavy use throughout the day; now add the work representing the Christmas and New Years dozens, then a scenario like a clogged sink is more likely to occur. Make an effort to clean your sink drain on a regular basis, so that fats, oils, grease, and other organic particles don’t build up inside the sink and cause a clog.

You can use baking soda and vinegar to thoroughly rinse the drain, or you can call in a professional plumbing technician to thoroughly clean out any gunk that may be restricting fluid flow down your kitchen drain.

2. Install the waste disposal unit.
The kitchen area is the central place where food is prepared. This suggests that the cook area sink drain may end up contaminated with food particles being thrown or falling down the sink. These particles can clog the drain, so you should remove them before you dispose of them.

The garbage disposal is designed to do just that. The garbage disposal’s rotating blades break up large food particles into small pieces that you can safely move down your drain pipes.

3. Use cold water with your garbage disposal.
The garbage disposal will not work on its own. You should always use cold water when running your disposer, as it helps keep fats frozen and solid inside the appliance. This allows pieces of fat to be cut off and sent down the drain tube.

4. Be careful with the food you get rid of.
Many foods can fit into the disposal, but some food debris, such as potato skins, coffee grounds, rice, bread, bones, nuts and peels, onion skins, eggshells, and grease, can stick to or block the sink.

5. Do not abuse aggressive chemicals
Although the function of some chemicals is to clean or dispose of sinks, pipes or drains, their prolonged use is related to wear and tear on the pipes. Heavy chemicals trigger corrosion that produces sludge that can lead to long-term clogging.

With these vital tips, you’ll have fewer problems in your kitchen area due to a clogged sink. If you think the problem is more serious, our professional plumber can evaluate your situation.

When you have plumbing problems, contact Angelino’s Plumbing Emergency Services Pacific Palisades. It has the best plumbers in the city, they have the experience and knowledge to solve all your plumbing problems.

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